Virtual ECC Synod 2020 – SUCCESS

ECC Synod Passes Anti Racist and Climate Change Resolutions

ECC Acts Against Climate Change and Stands with Black Lives

St, Louis, Mo. — October 30th, 2020 — The Ecumenical Catholic Communion (ECC), founded in 2003 and made up of 40 communities across the US and 5000+ members, hosted its 2020 Synod earlier this month.  The ECC is a member of the National Council of Churches.  The virtual Synod, “Roots and Wings” hosted over 300 members from the communion to share in community, hear from renowned speakers and leaders of the Communion, and make important decisions together. Two of these groundbreaking resolutions were examples of standing in solidarity with Black lives here in the United States and a renewed commitment to ecological justice. 

Two of these Resolutions passed during the 2020 Synod were: Addressing the Climate Crisis and Denouncing White Supremacy. Both documents serve as a public witness to ECC’s continued commitment to stand with Black Lives and every oppressed community, as well as, provide leadership within faith communities as we face the global crisis of environmental degradation.

The first resolution Denouncing White Supremacy is a public witness of solidarity with communities and individuals being oppressed by White supremacist groups with the rise of white nationalism and violence in the United States and around the globe. The resolutions states, 

ECC calls upon its congregationsto denounce all forms and expressions of white supremacist hatred and violence; and be it further resolvedthat the 2020 Synod of the ECC exhorts all congregations of the ECC to speak and act in solidarity with all who are the targets of hate speech and white supremacist violence.” The resolution  not only called upon communities in the communion to take action but individuals to, “engage in reflection, learning, self-examination, and repentance for the ways in which white supremacy has influenced, and continues to influence, our personal, interpersonal, institutional, and cultural lives.”  

The second resolution Addressing the Climate Crisis called for the, “Ecumenical Catholic Communion (ECC) to use its collective voice and power to speak out against the devastating impact of climate change and the human actions and systems perpetuating it, saying, “be it further resolved that the Houses of the ECC Synod will petition the Presiding Bishop to establish a national committee to support national and local action of ECC communities in responding to the climate crisis.” 

We celebrate as a communion with our siblings in Christ, with God, the ultimate co-creator, and with all living beings of our natural world today; we celebrate and recommit to co-creating a new world that is just and whole for all beings in this time of pandemic and assault on the rights of the oppressed.