Change in Administrator of the Office of Presiding Bishop

Erin Outson who has served me and us faithfully since July, 2019, is moving back to Nebraska to be closer to her family and to begin a new career as a full spectrum doula. Many of you have gotten to know Erin and her work; she will be sorely missed by me and many of you. I am so grateful for her support, especially during the vicissitudes of Covid. We will be splitting the position in two (as it was before I became PB). Mary Vonderheide, a leader at Sts. Clare & Francis ECC here in St. Louis and a CPA, has agreed to take over the part of the Administrator job that relates to finance. Carolyn Sue Cecil, a long time executive secretary, has agreed to take over the part of the job that relates to keeping the rest of the OPB organized and running smoothly. I am grateful to both women for agreeing to bring their rich spectrum of talent and to work with me through the fall of 2022. 

From the Office of the Presiding Bishop