The ECC Bishops Retreat to the Mountains

While we were in Colorado for Kae’s consecration, Bishops Armando, Denise, Kedda, Rafe, Kae, and I made our biennial retreat together at Mother Cabrini Shrine in Golden, Colorado. (Bishop Peter was unable to join us, however we are looking for ways to better include him in the college of bishops as he continues to improve from his stroke of three and a half years ago.) 

It is appropriate that we met in Colorado because it was there that we first crafted and signed what we call the “Colorado Covenant,” which is our pledge to each other to function collaboratively and cooperatively as followers of Christ. When this document was first crafted in April of 2016, it was authored by 6 male bishops. So this time, now that we have 3 female bishops, I invited the women who have joined us to consider our covenant with each other and to offer edits, which they did and which we all approved. The new document has yet to be shared with Bishops Peter and Rick (who is retired and unable to travel), so I will wait to share the document until we have had a chance to share it with them. Signing the document symbolized very well the covenantal relationship we experienced with each other that week as we considered our own unity and the unity of out beloved Communion. 

We also focused on our take of our mission together, which we are looking forward to dialoguing about with everyone and together working toward a communion of purpose. I am so grateful for these women and men with whom I serve.