Presiding Bishop Nominating Committee Puts Forth Fr. Paul Burson “Pablo” As Candidate

Dear Members of the ECC

Greetings in the Holy Spirit!

We ask the Communion to hold our process, our Communion, and Fr. Paul in prayer:

Big, Bold, and Beautiful God, we turn to You in our prayer, seeking Your Wisdom and Guidance for our Communion. This year we will gather for Synod 2022 intending to elect our next Presiding Bishop.  May we lean into You as we discern together Your will for our beloved Communion.  We all hold Paul Burson as candidate for Presiding Bishop in our prayers.  What a tremendous “yes” he has offered to the Communion for the good of all.  We also surround outgoing Presiding Bishop Francis Krebs in prayer, as well as gratitude. May each and every member of the Communion and all Synod delegates be open to the movement of Your Spirit, O God, as together we move into the next chapter of being in covenant together with You and one another.  With grace in our midst, prayer in our hearts, and Your Holy Wisdom as our guide, may Your will be done, O God.  In the name of the Holy Three in One, we pray, Amen.

Our search for the Presiding Bishop nominees has concluded. The Presiding Bishop Nominating Committee discerned among more than one nominee and were guided through interviews, prolonged discussion, and informed faith to put forth one candidate, Fr. Paul Burson from The Church of the Beloved in Colorado. There were no floor nominations for this office.